DealMachine Academy is focused on sharing best practices and solving the most significant issues hampering your growth in an intimate, cut-through-the-weeds setting. 
DealMachine Academy
October 12-13, 2022, Indianapolis, DealMachine HQ
If you love being around like-minded people who are growing themselves and their biz, and you've done at least $100k in revenue.... this event will help you scale to the next level
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
To ensure a free-flowing and productive set of discussions, we are limiting this event to 15 motivated investors.

Who will be there with you?

1. Steve Richards (Indianapolis) 1300 deals. 15+ years. Multimillion wholesaler who's out of the day to day.
2. Paul Myers (Augusta) $1.3M in wholesale + fix and flip

3. Enzo Nitti (St. Louis) Quadrupled his wholesale deal profit per deal this year

4. Danny Berovides (Gastonia, NC and Florida) $800k Wholesaling

5. Cory Boatright (Virtual) $1mm+ Virtual Wholesaling

6. Jonathan (Wilmington, NC) 28 rentals acquired on his way to 100

7. Shawn S. (Dallas) Flipping for 5+ years, aiming for 150 rentals within 12 months

8. Salim U. (DC) Has done $100k in revenue in 2021 year to date

9. Oscar Covarrubias (Fresno, CA) 3-4 deals per month wholesaling in the central California valley

Grab Your Seat Before Sept 9th (we will fill up or raise prices)

*If you've done at least $100k, you will have a lot to give (I promise) and receive from this group.
Tuesday, October 11
Arrive any time
At 7pm we will take you out for a casual dinner with the team if you're here, otherwise we will see you tomorrow!
Wednesday, October 12
7am Optional work out
9am-11am Opening Session
11:30-1pm Lunch
1pm-4pm Presentations - We will rotate through six 20-minute presentations given by attendees highlighting what's working best for them in their business right now, and also round-table helping them with their biggest challenge
4:30-6pm Tour
6pm Dinner @ Vida, the only Four Diamond Restaurant in Indiana
Thursday, October 13
7am Optional work out
9am-11:30am Presentations (5)
11:30-1pm Lunch
1pm-4pm Presentations (6)
4pm-4:30pm Closing Session + Finish Action Plans
6pm Dinner @ St. Elmo Steakhouse A Top 10 Steakhouses in the U.S. and a legendary local favorite, you HAVE to try the shrimp cocktail

Scale Your Business Profoundly with the Right Impactful Relationships

The EXACT skills that make you a great entrepreneur can damage other areas of your life. We've designed this event to unlock breakthroughs in yourself, not just a higher revenue (but certainly that too).
  • Market exclusivity ensures everyone feels comfortable sharing in a confidential environment
  • ​Small group size capped at 15 total cuts through the weeds to get right to your specific problem
  • ​Every participant prepares a slide deck of the very best thing that's working in their business
  • ​Exercises get you quickly connected to other investors on a personal level so you can get out of your own way and lead your company through the next stage of growth

Join Paul Myers (Augusta, GA) at DealMachine Academy to hear his big give: how he's scaled to $1.3MM in revenue using a 0 dollar marketing method this past year.

Join Enzo Nitti (St. Louis) at DealMachine Academy to hear his big give: how he's quadrupled his revenue per deal in order to simplify his business.

Join Steve Richards (Indianapolis) at DealMachine Academy to hear what he's learned in 15 years of real estate investing, and hiring a team (including hiring a CEO).

Join Danny Berovides (Gastonia, NC and FL) at DealMachine Academy, focused on D4D to doing 60 deals per year with $800,000 in revenue.

Join Oscar Covarubbias (Fresno, CA) at DealMachine Academy who has consistently done 3.5 deals per month in the last year.


Who is DealMachine Academy for?
- You're an experienced investor who is doing at least six figures of revenue in the last calendar year
- You're willing to share what is truly working best in your business with others that are outside of your market
- You want to solve your biggest problem and are willing to learn from others who have accomplished what you are working toward and you're willing to implement quickly
- While you're proficient in many areas of your business, you haven't totally unlocked everything you want to implement and that's holding you back, even causing you to feel stuck
- You want to grow your business, or in some way change your relationship with your business but you're not sure how and you'd like to speed up your timeline to figuring it out

How much does DealMachine Academy cost?
It's not cheap! Bringing together 6-7 figure biz owners, it's the best value event of its caliber. We do not aim to make money on this event. We're pouring it back into you and we're doing it because it will be fun!

The ticket cost will include:

- Spending 2 days masterminding with 15 investors PRICELESS
- Video recording of entire session and copies of all presentations $500 value
- DealMachine staff will be present and available to help you implement integrations within your DealMachine account to any other software you need, using what is available through Zapier and your other tools, and walk you through any product question you have 1-1, and help you custom design mail or digitize your own mail design into DealMachine, set up sequences, organize your account, and provide an account audit, a mail audit, and a process audit (hiring, managing, paying, and retaining employees) to ensure you're getting the most from what you have. $2000 value
- Breakfast, lunch, and dinners for 2+ days. $800 value (You're going to eat well)
- Groups workouts with a certified trainer. $100 value
- Updated professional headshots $300 value
- Strategic set of eyes on your business from the DealMachine leadership team $2000 value
Your investment: $5600 value for $2999

Price will increase +$500 after Friday Sept 9th.
Can I bring someone else from my company with me?
Yes, you can bring someone else from your company for a cost of $1500. Price will increase +$500 after Friday Sept 9th.
What is the story behind DealMachine Academy?
David, our CEO went to a similar-style event earlier this year, and going into it he was excited about getting away from keyboard and closer to peers that he'd really click with. At the event, one investor asked how he was handling his follow up emails with customers. This investor made a suggestion that David implemented in 10 minutes when he got back. The tweak has earned David $20,000 in revenue per month so far this year. David still can't believe he ran his business for 5 years, staring at this process day-in and day-out without seeing the low hanging fruit that was hiding in plain sight. David knew he had to plan an event like this for the DealMachine Community.
What will your experience be like at DealMachine Academy?
- A focus of DealMachine Academy will be discussing your personal relationship with your company and learn how to make your business serve you and everything you care about in life, not the other way around.
- Likely, there's some low hanging fruit in your business that could easily generate 5x-15x return on investment in DealMachine Academy that you can't see right now. But your peers in the room will inspire you to see it through a new lens, or even they will point it out to you directly when you SHARE or ASK for direct help about your top issue.
- You'll feel great by helping someone with a big problem that you're well equipped to share from your own experience. If you're open to it, you'll gain a new friend(s) for life that can be profitable for your business and good for your soul
Is this only for wholesalers?
This event is for anyone finding their own deals, including but not limited to wholesaling, flipping, buying and holding, using driving for dollars, text, RVM, buying directly at foreclosure auctions, buying directly at tax lien auctions, and agent referrals.
What are things to do in Indianapolis (after the event)?
- Top convention city in the U.S. with a vibrant, clean downtown and top rated airport
- Award winning Children's Museum (at least one DealMachine Academy guest is bringing his family to go to this as they already had it on their Fall Break list to visit)
- Ogle over racecars at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway museum, or they also have a racing experience where you can ride in a 2-seater Indycar going 180mph for 3 laps (highly recommend)
- Pacers basketball game
- Indiana War Memorial and soldiers and sailors monument
- Indoor go-karting
- Symphony
- Union Station
- Indianapolis Museum of Art
- Investor neighborhoods tour
- Indianapolis State Capitol
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